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Basic company data                    

Full company name is AQUA SUB, Subsea Services, private limited liability company, (short AQUA SUB d.o.o.) with headquarter situated in Rijeka, Pletenci 22/6, Croatia.

Short company history

AQUA SUB d.o.o., Subsea services was established in 1986 in Rijeka. During past years, following modern technology in all kinds of underwater works, we created a high-quality company, capable of performing the most demanding tasks in accordance with high standards of world biggest classification societies.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide for our clients various services that we are specialized for, in shortest possible response time, with desired quality and quantity, by using technical innovations constantly and ensuring and improving quality of product and service for local and foreign clients.

Also, we are always trying to meet our clients request and demands because they are the main purpose of our company existence.        

Working areas

Basic working area is various underwater works:

Civil engineering underwater works

  • Construction of marinas, piers, berths
  • Construction and maintenance of underwater sewage systems
  • Recording of seabed – longitudinal section

Marine underwater works

  • offshore inspections, underwater inspection of oil platforms and other floating units
  • repair of minor damages on hull plate of vessels and other floating units
  • propeller polishing
  • cleaning of: hull plate, underwater constructions, underwater suctions, grids and valves
  • MPI, UT and PT inspections
  • ROV inspections
  • CCTV, video and still photo inspections
  • visual inspections

Other underwater works

  • laying down gas pipelines, water pipelines, water treatments and power and other cables
  • assistance in repair of marine technology objects
  • underwater cutting, welding, grinding, boring, sawing of steel constructions
  • protection of steel constructions with epoxy resin
  • lifting of sunken floating and other objects and ship equipment

Beside noted above, AQUA SUB provides engineering services – construction organization.

Company work is organized on two locations:

  • company headquarters
  • clients’ location(s)

Due to equipment and personnel, our company is qualified to perform work at ports, anchorages, shipyards, yacht and sport marinas, open sea, rivers and lakes.

With the attitude towards the quality of business, investments in modernization and safety and human resources, since year 1988, company has acquired diving approvals of the world largest classification societies:

American Bureau of Shipping  ABS

Bureau Veritas  BV

Croatian Register of Shipping  CRS

Det Norske Veritas  DNV

Germanischer Lloyd  GL

Lloyd’s Register  LR

Registro Italiano Navale  RINA

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai  NKK   ClassNK

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping  RMRS

Certified quality management system ISO 9001:2015 (Bureau Veritas).

Certified safety management system SCC – Safety Checklist Contractors (Bureau Veritas)

Our company has certificates for UT and MPI inspection with divers qualified.